My very first full-length album

As The Hours Bleed” is officially here.

Available everywhere.

“As The Hours Bleed” out now.

it’s a hard concept to grasp really. such a special demon of mine this project was in every beautifully destructive way you can imagine. in a reality where a 16 year-old kid can simply one day decide to write, record, produce, mix, master, and perform an entire full-length album from the comfort of his bedroom and take almost four years to do so is quite the reality to live in. i’d be lying if i said this album didn’t have to teach me the importance of perseverance when it comes to completing something you’ve set your heart to. or that the entirety of the process was fun and fulfilling 100% of the time. but what i can promise, without a shadow of a doubt, is i wouldn’t have traded one moment of it. not one piece of my pretentiously dramatic and emotional past would i swap for the piece of art that i was able to create from it. the most vulnerable and introspective piece of work i’ve shared thus far and i’m very happy to be able to say that the seed such an experience has planted in my life will not be short-lived, nor will it end with the last track of this album. i could go on and on talking about myself and all the the deep emotions that inspired this musical compilation but perhaps it would be better to let the music speak for itself. so without further adieu, i present to you…

As The Hours Bleed

written, recorded, produced, mixed, mastered, and performed by Kyle Christian Avery Austin.

with notable contributions -

Mason Levy - Worst of Me

Daniel Mizrahi (Mantra) - Look at us Now